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All Vans Deck Information

High deck and Low deck

When choosing a Monocorps type van, I believe that many people pay attention to the height of the bed. Here we will look at the merits and demerits by comparing two types. Also, much like the high deck trucks, there is often a difference in height between the truck and loading platforms.

Difference between High Deck and Low Deck

The difference is very easy to explain, it simply means the height from the ground to the cargo floor. The reason that the difference in height is important is that the height determines the size of the tires that can be used. In other words, the two differences between low deck vans and high deck vans is the tire size and the floor/ground clearance.

High Deck


A high deck van can use large tires, so vibration is reduced and it is stable and strong on rough roads. Another way of putting it is that it's easy on the cargo and the driver. Fewer rotations means that the burden on the tire is decreased, one spare is sufficient, rotations are effective, and running costs are reduced.


The rear of the cargo bay is set slightly higher than normal, so loading by hand can be difficult at times. Also, when using a platform for delivery, there may be a height difference between the truck and the platform.

Low Deck


A low deck van makes it easier to load and unload to reduce the burden on the driver, and due to the low floor-ground clearance the cargo compartment can be larger.


Two spare tires are required, and in the case of tires with the same diameter, repair after a flat tire is hopeless. Also, much like the high deck trucks, there is often a difference in height between the truck and loading platforms.