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Best Deals Hiace Van for sale

Used Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V for sale

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Search Results:68
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Toyota Regiusace Van TRH200V

2006 Toyota Regiusace Van TRH200V DX

153,000 km
1,998 cc
Car Price:
US$ 4,889
Save: US$ 110 (2%)
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Toyota Regiusace Van TRH200V

2006 Toyota Regiusace Van TRH200V DX

121,500 km
1,998 cc
Car Price:
US$ 5,050
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Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V

2006 Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V DX

195,000 km
2,000 cc
Car Price:
US$ 4,999
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Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V

2023 Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V DX-GLパッケージ 1.25Tonne

10,000 km
1,990 cc
Car Price:
US$ 23,359
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Toyota Regiusace Van TRH200V

2009 Toyota Regiusace Van TRH200V ロングDX GLパッケージ 1.25Tonne

135,000 km
2,000 cc
Car Price:
US$ 6,951
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Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V

2017 Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V ロングジャストローDXGLパック ワンオーナー モデリスタエアロ 1Tonne

122,000 km
2,000 cc
Car Price:
US$ 13,680
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Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V

2023 Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V SUPER GL DARK PRIME 2 1Tonne

34,000 km
2,000 cc
Car Price:
US$ 23,742
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Toyota Regiusace Van TRH200V

2012 Toyota Regiusace Van TRH200V LONG DX 1.2Tonne

38,000 km
2,000 cc
Car Price:
US$ 9,768
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Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V

2020 Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V SUPER GL DARK PRIME 2

54,000 km
2,000 cc
Car Price:
US$ 23,063
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Toyota Regiusace Van TRH200V

2016 Toyota Regiusace Van TRH200V DX GL PACKAGE 1.25Tonne

87,000 km
2,000 cc
Car Price:
US$ 11,734
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Toyota Regiusace Van TRH200V

2010 Toyota Regiusace Van TRH200V LONG SUPER GL 1Tonne

103,000 km
2,000 cc
Car Price:
US$ 11,734
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Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V

2012 Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V DX GL PACKAGE

106,000 km
2,000 cc
Car Price:
US$ 6,785
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Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V

2006 Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V レイゾウ・レイトウ車 -7℃~ 1.25Tonne

122,000 km
2,000 cc
Car Price:
US$ 5,558
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Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V

2012 Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V LONG SUPER GL 1Tonne

99,000 km
2,000 cc
Car Price:
US$ 13,599
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Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V

2022 Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V クーリングバン 1.25トン TSS付 1.25Tonne

69,000 km
2,000 cc
Car Price:
US$ 21,888
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Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V

2007 Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V DX 1.25Tonne

341,000 km
2,000 cc
Car Price:
US$ 4,955
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Toyota Regiusace Van TRH200V

2016 Toyota Regiusace Van TRH200V SUPER GL DARK PRIME MRT 2 1Tonne

25,000 km
2,000 cc
Car Price:
US$ 22,021
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Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V

2013 Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V LONG SUPER GL

217,000 km
2,000 cc
Car Price:
US$ 8,536
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Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V

2019 Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V LONG SUPER GL 1Tonne

106,000 km
2,000 cc
Car Price:
US$ 14,007
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Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V

2019 Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V LONG DX

58,000 km
2,000 cc
Car Price:
US$ 16,993
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Toyota Regiusace Van TRH200V

2015 Toyota Regiusace Van TRH200V 冷蔵冷凍車〈-7℃~35℃〉

105,000 km
2,000 cc
Car Price:
US$ 14,145
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Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V

2019 Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V ロングDX セーフティセンス 1.25Tonne

56,000 km
2,000 cc
Car Price:
US$ 15,957
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Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V

2019 Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V ロングDX LEDヘッドライト

52,000 km
2,000 cc
Car Price:
US$ 15,957
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Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V

2014 Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V ロングDX4型純正ナビTVバックカメラETC

90,000 km
2,000 cc
Car Price:
US$ 9,302
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Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V

2025 Toyota Hiace Van TRH200V ロングDX GLパッケージ純正ナビバックカメラLEDヘッド 1.25Tonne

0 km
2,000 cc
Car Price:
US$ 28,247
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Toyota Hiace Van Overview

Toyota Hiace Van is a cab over type car.
It was first released in 1967, and still Hiace Van has become by far the most popular van due to its overwhelming durability, name value, and customization. The newest model is the 5th generation and is called the "200 Series", and it has already been 15 years since its launch in 2004.

In this review, we will mainly focus on the following models: RZH112, RZH102, KDH200,TRH200, LH113. Some of these models are very similar and differ only in their motorization or features.

RZH112 and RZH102

At first glance, when you look at these two vehicles, you might think that they are identical. However, there is a difference, which is firstly in the size of the two vehicles: The RZH102 measures 4.43 m in length, 1.69 in width with a total height of 1.98 m. The RZH112, measures 4.69 m in length, 1.69 in width with a total height of 1.98 m.
These two models belong to the H100 series, marketed since 1989. A generation that provided 15 years of good and loyal services and that is still today a huge commercial success for Toyota, but also for the Japanese used car sellers and exporters. This generation has provided millions of customers around the world with vehicles with innovative design for a wide range of commercial uses, from cargo transportation to sports activities, while ensuring flawless reliability.

KDH200 and TRH200

These two models belong to the fifth generation of the vehicle and are part of the H200 series, marketed since 2004. In terms of changes, this generation introduces important changes that concern the dimensions of the vehicle, the possibilities of customization of the body type as well as new choices in terms of motorization.
These two vehicles are also very similar: The difference is in the dimensions of the two vehicles: The TRH200V is slightly higher: 2.24 m, 1.98 m for the KDH200V. Moreover, the TRH200V is offered in a gasoline version, while the KDH200V is available in a diesel version.
Choose which model is the most advantageous for you: The gasoline model will allow you to acquire a vehicle at a more advantageous rate, to reduce your costs in maintenance and repairs whereas the diesel model will give you a reduced fuel consumption, a longer longevity and reliability with an assured profitability of purchase in case you make more than 20 000 km/year.
The 5th generation Hiace has three body types, a van, a wagon, and a commuter. The name of the Hiace Van has been changed from the 5th generation to the standard size of 4.69 m in total length as a "long model".

Popular keywords and specifications for Hiace Van

There are several Toyota Hiace for sale and there are some popular keywords and specifications.

Engine & models

The top most popular engines of Toyota Hiace Van are 1RZ and 1TR. The 1RZ engine is installed in the 4th generation Hiace Van. The long model RZH112 with 2.0L gasoline and 1RZ engine, the short model RZH102, and the high roof (Hiace commuter) model RZH112K are popular.
The manual High deck is extremely popular, especially in African countries. The 1TR engine was improved to have more power and cleanliness. TRH200V and TRH200K are very popular with customers from Africa such as Tanzania, Congo, and Kenya.
As we said, if you want to lower the cost of the car and drive smoothly, we recommend choosing a gasoline engine. If you want to have the strength and economic efficiency, we recommend choosing a diesel engine. Other than those models, KDH models are popular too, which have diesel engines and long body length. They also have a super long size which is KDH221K.

Search popular models for Toyota Hiace Van for sale

Toyota Hiace Van price

The Hiace Van has several body types, while the Toyota Hiace Van price has a wide range. RZH112, RZH102 are one of the popular models of Hiace Vans and the price range is about US$2,600 to US$ 7000 used Toyota Hiace price.

Common issues that you will find in used Toyota Hiace Van

When you buy a used van for sale, you might find some issues.
Some cheap Toyota Hiace Vans are susceptible to emitting thick white smoke on startup. This is usually an indication of a turbo problem. It is normal to expect a Toyota Hiace Van for sale to perform with no issues for a long time. After all, this is quite a durable workhorse and Toyota motors are known for their reliability.
However, many owners complained about a shaking clutch when they place the gear to the first position. Most of them reported that this happens just as the engine starts to warm up.
Also concerning the doors, it can happen that the closing system degrades with the passing of years if they are closed in a too abrupt way regularly. This is a problem that can easily be fixed and is minor, but if you don't pay attention, your doors may end up not opening properly. We advise you to maintain your doors regularly to keep them opening and closing smoothly and to protect yourself from any risk of breakage on the vehicle.
Also, don't forget to check the electronic equipment, such as backup camera. For the mechanical parts, don't forget to check your steel wheels and watch for rust. We also advise you to check the vehicle history before your purchase.

Popular usage

Most popular usage of Hiace Vans is to transport luggage or people, but there is more usage in Toyota Hiace Vans. Enthusiasts and travelers often convert Hiace vans into camper vans for road trips and camping adventures.

Popular usage, which was purchased from Carused

There are several examples of usage which were purchased from us.

  1. To transport people and luggage (Most popular usage)
  2. Camper van (Toyota hiace camper)
  3. For leisure use
  4. When you need a large luggage space, such as skiing or surfing.
  5. To transport cash
  6. Cash transport is one of the popular usages of Toyota Hiace cargo vans. For safety use, usually Toyota Hiace panel vans are purchased. The difference between panel van and usual van is whether you can see inside from the window or not.
  7. Refrigerator / freezer truck
  8. Handicap car
  9. Hiace Vans, which have a grand cabin with space for wheelchairs or baths for welfare use.

Also, the customizability and the space with row seating make it excellent as a tour van, ambulance and minibus in various countries. They are also easy to drive, with responsive controls and relatively small turning circles. This makes them great as delivery vans and pre-owned vehicles.

Rivals of Toyota Hiace Van

There are several brands that sell van type units like Toyota Hiace Vans. Nissan Caravan and Mazda Bongo van are often compared. If we only compare the Toyota Hiace price, it would be more expensive than both Nissan and Mazda. However, if you compare by specification, Toyota Hiace for sale in Japan has the best quality.
Concerning the American and European market, we could mention the ford e series, the 2019 Chevrolet express, ford transit, gmc savana 2500 and ram promaster for the American market and the sprinter of Mercedes-Benz for the European market.